The Success Storey
The Success Storey
From the very beginning, the Deogracia team and consulters were determined to ensure Deogracia Province Software does not fail!
Introduction: Deogracia began its survey and deep analysis of
the Province management. We interacted with many Provinces who had attempted with software
development and implementation but did not yield the desired results. This was a learning curve
for us. We learned a lot, we analyzed it and ensured, the mistakes are not repeated with
Reasons for failed attempts: The key reason for the failure
was, none of the attempts had a foundation to integrate the complex data processing and at the
development stage, these were not factored. As a result, when more complex requirements came in
the middle of implementation, the developers realized the very architecture of the software was
simply not able to handle it. The option before them was to scrap and rebuild it again. That
involved a lot of additional cost which the Province were not willing to invest.
Detailed System Study: Deogracia team spent 3 years of its initial development
period exclusively for Province system study, analysis in detail involving Provincials,
Provinced administrators and Membters to understand the complex structure of Province
Offline V/s Online At the beginning there was resistance to online systems and
most Province preferred offline systems. Being experts in IT, the team had forecast the end of
off-line system and the only way forward is cloud computing. The team proved it today!
Why past software attempts did not take off as expected? Deogracia has several
advantages and takes care of the many problems faced by offline software. Following are excerpts
from a study on why off-line software did not take off and how Deogracia is designed to overcome
those shortcomings:-
1. Offline software Implementation, installation, maintenance, support, updates and
upgrades were to be provided at each location making it expensive and unviable in the long run.
[Deogracia is cloud based and centrally implemented,
installed, supported, maintained and controlled from a single location at the
2. Offline software was installed on local PC. In many instances, lack of timely support and
absence of quality system maintenance crashed PCs along with the software and data. [Deogracia is system independent. It is accessible from anywhere on any
internet connected system or mobile with a username and password]
3. In most cases, Offline software vendors got their money in the first year itself. This left
them disinterested to upgrade the programme to future requirements.
[Deogracia does not charge upfront fees. It is based on a monthly subscription. Subscription
based software ensure timely maintenance and support]
4. Security patches and updates could not be carried out regularly as it was difficult to reach
all Communities; leaving Offline software redundant and defunct.
[Deogracia is managed centrally, upgrades and patches are required to be done only one a
single system making it quick and uniform for everyone]
5. Offline software had single user format where Province admin was the only user and in many
cases the software discontinued due to inadequate operational knowledge of the incoming admin.
[Deogracia is built on multi user format. Every community and member has
a login. This ensures continuity and ease of management]
6. Province had no operational control over the Offline software and it became difficult to push
through implementation and ensure continuity. [Deogracia is centrally
installed, controlled and managed by each Province]
7. Offline software did not offer direct benefits to everyone. The system mostly meant to
compile member data without benefits to everyone in the province.
[Deogracia is a multi user system with login for each entity to receive information,
communication and submit reports and information to Province Headquarters online.]